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Fall Class of 2018
Alexandra Aponte
Hernan Benavides
Richa Bisht
Kendall Clark
Rachel Collins
Henrique Correa
Hunter Drake
Cristian Flores
Evan Fruehauf
Kate Gehlen
Megan Griffiths
Kassandra Jones
Sudarshan Krishnamurphy
Emily Kummerer
Kai Lawrence
Jessica Muroff
Jeannette Myrick
Tiffany Porcelli
Abbigayle Rambaran
Monica Richter
Lan Renee Amboy-Biller
Stephanie Roberts
Nicholas Russin
Anabella Santana
Safa Shah
Spring Class of 2018
Sophia Abraham
Ella Biggins
Katya Brioni
Megan Dias
Patrick Felisma
Kellie Furey
Hunter Goldenberg
Shalini Jose
Yara Khalil
Andres Leotaud Cifuentes
Sarah Lucker
Sanjay Mahendrasah
Travis McCloskey
Morgan McClaughlin
Rachel Moore
Alexandria Moorehead
Amanda Ortiz
Vishal Panchigar
Natasha Ram
Gianna Rotyliano-Sykes
Sarah Sturgess
Vivekka Suppiah
Scott Tavlin
Matthew Ruela-Briones
Roberto Velasco
Hiwot Zewdie
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